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Wherein we invite our readers to cast their lovingly-tied flies into the placid blind item river stocked with naughty celebrity fish by humpy E! gossip bait shop proprietor Ted Casablanca. This week, another startling revelations: When club-going starlets disappear into the stall with two of their closest friends, it's not necessarily to enlist their help operating the flush handle. Enjoy the throat-drip of One Stalled Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Pixie Mixie is at it again. At a posh opening of an even more posh clothing store (Bev. H. doesn't seem to have room for that Frank Gehry-designed homeless shelter, don't know why), all the red-carpet lovelies were out, including P.M. and her supersvelte set. Okay, let's get real. Lots of these gals ain't stayin' stick-like by avoiding flour and sugar. They're candy-nosed outta their designer-clad gourds, got it? So, next time you read about Ms. Pixie telling some insipid trend rag that she keeps thin via yoga and granola, head to the nearest stall and barf for me, 'kay?" Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.