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If ever there were a sign that all the Michael Jackson mishegass might finally, completely be over, this is it: Court TV has fired Diane Dimond.

At least, so we're told by a reader who passed along a letter Dimond allegedly sent to her fan club. (Sidenote: Not to disrespect Dimond, but doesn't it seem like we're setting a fairly low bar as a society for who gets a fan club?)

Wrote Dimond in her email yesterday:

[M]y contract with Court TV is/was coming to an end in December and they decided to end it early. Court TV told me on Wednesday that they planned to dismantle my Investigative Unit and Friday was my last day there.

But don't worry too much about her. She's got a major Jacko book coming in November, and, apparently, her pal Nancy Grace expects her on CNN a lot.

And as long as she gets a regular supply of light, nutrients, and airtime, we're sure she'll be fine.

Dimond's full letter is after the jump.

Date: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:06 am

Hello everyone!

First, I am flattered beyond belief that all of you are interested enough in me and my career to visit this site.

Second, I have to say you guys are VERY perceptive. You noticed when I appeared on Nancy Grace's CNN show recently that the title beneath my name only said INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST.

That's because my contract with Court TV is/was coming to an end in December and they decided to end it early. Court TV told me on Wednesday that they planned to dismantle my Investigative Unit and Friday was my last day there.

When I met Marc Brewer in Birmingham recently (I hope he posts the pictures on this site!) I promised him I'd write a message for the site. I just didn't realize it would be THIS kind of message. It's been a rough couple of weeks. When I returned to New York from Birmingham my senior producer became very ill and has now been put on long term disability. Then the rest of us got the bad news!

But onward and upword! My book on Michael Jackson ("Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case) will be out on November 15th and I'm working with my publisher to do publicity on it, etc. I'm also planning what to do next with myself and am actually quite excited about the prospects! My friend Nancy Grace says now that I have some free time she expects me to join her on her CNN show from time to time.

I promise I'll let you all know where I land. And Marc and I will soon find a good time for all of us to have a live chat. What's best for everyone? Weeknights? Mid-morning on a week-end? Let me know.

And thanks for being interested in me - I'm humbled.

Yours, Diane Dimond

Diane Dimond [Court TV]