Can we be sincere for a moment? Good, because we really fucking love you guys. Honestly, you are the most loyal, tough little cookies out there, and — oh, God, now we're getting choked up — in times of need, you never let us down. If we had any worldly possessions, we totally swear we'd give them to you, just to show our appreciation of your very existence.

Okay, let us compose ourselves.

Yesterday, we posted some blind items that got a measly nine responses. Seeing as that hardly constitutes mass insight, we came crawling back, demanding your participation (we probably seemed angry but, really, we were just hurt). And oh, yes, how you responded. If our lives had background music, it would have swelled with every email you sent, eventually becoming a sweeping mess of orchestral inspiration.

But we digress. After the jump, your answers.

Which square-jawed anchor and not the one at CNN or Fox that you re thinking of surprised a spywitness recently when he was caught in a clinch with a handsome male companion?

You said: Even with the handy chart from our orally-fixated sister, your guesses still ran the gamut. Without bothering to list every anchor to ever possess any sort of jawline, we'll just say that the most popular guesses were Stone Phillips and Brian Williams. Of the two, we'd personally say Stone is more "square," but some of you felt Williams is "way too pretty to be straight." The best non sequitur goes to the lovely reader who suggested Keith Olbermann simply because "he's not married and hates conservatives."

What actor in a hit TV series is having serious baby-mama drama with a woman who isn t his famous girlfriend? The parties are sitting down with their lawyers this week to work out a cash settlement.

You said: Sad, isn't it, how clarifying someone as being from a successful television show automatically narrows the pool down to wee, puddle-like options. Kevin Connolly of Entourage and Zach Braff of Scrubs are your major suspects, as they're dating Nicky Hilton and Mandy Moore, respectively. Other random guesses included Ashton Kutcher (please, God, don't let him be breeding), Charlie Sheen, Josh Duhamel, and Lost's Naveen Andrews (dating Barbara Hershey, who we thought died for real at the end of Beaches). Jesus, we didn't know there were even that many shows on TV.