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Hey guys, all of this hurricane talk is so depressing. Why can't we think about something happy, like the theoretical baby that may have been put inside Sienna Miller's tummy by her nanny-mounting (ex?) fiancée, Jude "That Water I'm About To Get Into Looks So Cold!" Law? From Page Six:

IT'S looking more and more likely that Sienna Miller is pregnant with Jude Law's spawn. The waifish actress was supposed to hit the Roland Mouret fashion show at the tents on Sept. 13, but she pulled out early this week. One insider said she's expecting. But someone involved with Miller's next flick, "Factory Girl," said: "I doubt she's pregnant. She has not called 'Factory Girl' to say she won't make it and production starts in November." We'll see.

Everything seems to be on schedule, but has anyone checked the script to see if Miller's character has been given some clumsily expository dialogue ("Hey, Edie, how was your dinner at the all-you-can-eat buffet with Warhol?"), or enters every scene carrying a bag of groceries, a beachball, or some other unwieldy object large enough to obscure her conspicuously bulbous midsection? Sometimes we feel like we may never know what's going on in Sienna's womb!