Remainders: Jossip Crashes Widdicombe's Gates

• Smell that? It's romance, right there, in our air — and it's wafting around David Hauslaib of Jossip and Gawker Hottie and Daily News gossipista Ben Widdicombe. Well done, David. You'll break that glass ceiling yet. [Daily Transom]
• Janice Dickinson, America's First Supertramp. [A Socialite's Life]
• Hey, remember Wilmer Valderrama? You better, 'cause he's on the up and up. No, he swears. [NYDN]
• "What the fuck is going on down there? You mean to tell me the United States cannot get it together to save these people, feed these people, and have some semblance of law and order?" We couldn't say it better ourselves. [Amy's Robot]
• Best designer knock-off, ever. [Banterist]