New Defamer T-Shirts Coming To A Fake Rack Near You!

You give and give and give, and yet we continue to ask you for more. This time, The Gawker Media International Blogging Concern™ is greedily grabbing for your sartorial opinions. We're preparing a new round of Defamer-flavored t-shirts, and our evil blogging overlords back at the Mothership would like you to vote on which t-shirt slogans you'd like to see stretched over the breast/pec implants of your favorite co-worker. And if you don't find the current offerings to your liking, you can submit ideas and/or designs of your own (follow the link to the instructions, please don't e-mail them here), for which you will be paid in actual US dollars or the preferred currency of internet sweatshops, the shirts themselves. Come on, vote! It's more fun than a bathroom stall full of exhausted starlets!