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Uh-oh. As New York remains vague on whether it'll try for the Olympics again for 2016 — quite smartly, given that virtually all New Yorkers hate the idea, Bloomberg says he'll wait till after the election to decide — now Los Angeles says it's in the race.

The United States Olympic Committee has not announced its timetable for selecting an American bid city for 2016, but a committee led by Barry Sanders, a lawyer, and backed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles unofficially kicked off the bidding season with its announcement.

"This is a city with so many obvious attributes, because of what kind of city it is, the climate, the spirit of the city," Sanders said in a telephone interview. "We think Los Angeles was made for the Olympic Games."

We now anticipate the biggest East Coast-West Coast rivalry since Biggie and Tupac. And we hear Doctoroff is even meaner than Suge Knight.

UPDATE: A uniquely vigilant and diligent reader has objected to our comment that virtually all New Yorkers hate Bloomberg's Olympic plan, citing Quinnipiac numbers proving that in fact a majority has always liked it. We'll use a modified Pauline Kael defense here: Forgive our ignorance; no one we know supports it.

New York Mum as Los Angeles Says It Will Bid on 2016 Games [NYT]