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We've gone through life with a sports-obsessed little brother, so it's the most natural feeling in the world for us to welcome the Gawker Media family's newest bundle of cynical joy, Deadspin.

Calling itself "sports news without access, favor, or discretion" — although, really, you're pretty discreet in this crowd until you make your first ass-fucking joke — Deadspin is edited by drunken Manhattan's favorite Illinois farmboy, Will Leitch (a frequent Gawker pinch-hitter), and his trusty sidekick, Rick Chandler. They describe the site thus:

We cover sports here. We're not interested in gambling lines, fantasy football or injury reports; we've got Oddjack for that. And we're not some lame-ass ESPN Hollywood Tom Brady's-schtupping-Annabeth-Gish "Culture of Sports" pap either. We see sports as an endless well of stories, on-field and off, where the athletes are fascinating whether they're being tackled, being arrested or being lap-danced. It's a world we feel that you don t see enough of; we re here to try to change that.

Us, we like that "Culture of Sports" pap. But then, we also watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. So go check out Deadspin for some of that manly-man stuff. We'll be here, flipping through Vogue while half-watching Anderson Cooper, when you get back.
