Gawker Media Gets Sporty

Join us in welcoming brand-spanking-new baby brother blog Deadspin into the baby-eating cult family, the Gawker Worldwide Blogging Concern's sports-obsessed gift to reduced workday productivity. New editor Will Leitch (of The Black Table and Gawker guest-editing fame) explains the blog's mission thusly:
We cover sports here. We’re not interested in gambling lines, fantasy football or injury reports; we’ve got Oddjack for that. And we’re not some lame-ass ESPN Hollywood Tom Brady’s-schtupping-Annabeth-Gish “Culture of Sports” pap either. We see sports as an endless well of stories, on-field and off, where the athletes are fascinating whether they’re being tackled, being arrested or being lap-danced. It’s a world we feel that you don’t see enough of; we’re here to try to change that.
Each time Barry Bonds punches out a teammate, Kenny Rogers bitch-slaps a pair of cameramen, or Kobe Bryant helpfully tries to redefine the boundaries of consensual hotel room sex, our pals at Deadspin will be there.