Sing, Sing a Song, Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong

Six or seven years ago, a bunch of friends got together to buy half of us a karaoke machine for our birthday. One person collected the money and was in charge of buying it, but a few deals fell through and then she left New York for law school, and so she gave us a check for the money they'd collected and told us to buy the machine ourselves. We never did, and we still feel a touch of guilt about the cash, which we never returned.
That experience makes us even more impressed with brothers Brian and Jared Smith, whom we'd like very much to have as our new best friends. According to yesterday's real estate section, the brothers built a karaoke bar — complete with elevated stage, a top-notch machine, 1,200 songs, spotlights, and props — in their Chelsea apartment (which we suspect is just a few blocks from our place, making our new friendship even easier). Today we discovered the best part: A multimedia presentation on the Times site, featuring photos of the whole apartment, narration by the Smiths, and even some clips of the boys singing "Livin' on a Prayer."
We strongly encourage you to watch and listen. But we also have questions: Have you been to the Karaoke Klub, as they call it? Have you sung there? We want to know all about it — including, most important, the one thing that would make this the perfect karaoke venue: Does Kelly from Winnie's ever come to run the machine?
If so, we're there.
The Brothers Karaoke [NYT Audio Slideshow]
Renting for a (Karaoke) Song [NYT]