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Sure, we've lost hours quietly pouring over the Tropicana Bar's proprieter/celebrity hottness calibration technician Amanda Scheer Demme's 600-word "mini-biography" on IMDb, but no matter how many times we've silently savored the words "Lifestyle Producer," we've always been left wishing that we knew more about the woman behind the Trop's iron rope. Yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle fed us 1,900 more words on nightlife's most fascinating personality; of those nearly two thousand bits of Demme-related wisdom,, at least twenty-nine were dedicated to letting us know about her criminally overlooked "soft side":

Demme also has a soft side, volunteering at daughter Jaxson's school, helping a friend plan her daughter's bat mitzvah so that it has just the right amount of cool.

That bat mitzvah was an incredible success. After a tense hour in which a guest list mix-up prevented the event's guest of honor from getting past the bouncer, she went on to enjoy an incredible celebration of her passage into womanhood. Her friends are all still talking about how Courtney Love overdosed and collapsed on the buffet table, and how Bruce Willis hit on all of her friends.