Blogorrhea NYC: Elijah Wood Likes Pussy, Dammit
• Elijah Wood, in town for the weekend, visits that Soho art festival and wonders what more he needs to do to prove he's straight. [Cityrag]
• Being hung up on Foer and Franzen is so last season. There's a new writer in town, and we know you have a boycrush on him. [GalleyCat]
• Chelsea Continues to Change!, says the headline (though we'd argue the block in question is actually in the West Village). Apparently, this could mean the end of a bakery. [NYC Stories]
• So if there's a "malicious battle of the sexes" raging on the streets of New York, our only questions are: How do we enter, and what do we win? [Jen Is Famous]
• New York gays can protest Schwarzenegger's promised veto of California's gay-marriage bill by boycotting Red Bull. We're assured there's a connection there. [Manhattan Offender]