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Now that Angelina Jolie has saved newly adopted daughter Zahara from a life of poverty and starvation in Ethiopia, it's time to start instilling Hollywood's notion of a healthy body image in the little bundle of joy:

"My daughter came, she was six months old and not nine pounds," Jolie said. "Her skin, you could squeeze it, it stuck together. It was terrifying. Just to see the difference of what food a little bit of care takes. She's gained like six pounds, which we're calling her Chubby. She's just a totally different baby."

They're not sure that Zahara completely understands her new nickname, but once she does, they're confident she'll get the message and drop those extra unsightly pounds of baby fat. Better that Mommy and Daddy Brad let her know that she's getting a little flabby than some cruel producer or those catty bitches at day care.