Looking at the Look Book

Attention: This week's edition of New York mag's Look Book does not feature a total fucktard. We're sorry — we know you were really looking forward to gawking at some NYU fool who fashioned a tuxedo out of a mere trucker hat. But don't worry; Kirsten Yadouga (at right) is still worth a moment of good-natured mockery! An accessories designer for the Gap, Kirsten likes to look girly and pretty, loves alternafreak author JT Leroy, and claims to have found that fab yellow dress at a vintage store. (Well, we suppose last season's Ella Moss is "vintage" in some circles.) After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Tim Stack, Meredith Bodgas, and Chris McFall ponder Kirsten's style and what would happen if she met JT Leroy.
Tim Stack, editorial assistant, Entertainment Weekly
She sooo did not get that dress at a vintage store! Why does Kirsten gotta be frontin' like that?
To be fair, paying off Elisa Cuthbert's assistant/housekeeper to steal Elisa's very best Hurricane Katrina clothing donations can now be considered "vintage shopping" in Los Angeles. How do you think I got what I'm wearing?
For Kirsten, this summer "was all about JT Leroy." What would happen in a meeting between Kirsten and JT?
First, Kirsten would tell JT about this one time in college when she and a Tri Delt totally hooked up but just some over the bra action. JT would giggle. Then, JT would ask Kirsten what was up with Alanis Morissette's bangs in the new Gap commercials. Kirsten would giggle.
No, seriously, what is going on with her bag? And what in the world is "boukie"?
The hours must get long and boring at the Gap accessories office, so
it helps to perform impromptu ventriloquism acts with stuffed animals in one's purse, a la Shari Lewis and Lambchop. And I always thought a
"boukie" was euphemism for a woman's private area. Like, "Ouch! That
bicycle seat hurt my boukie." Those Gap girls are dirrrrty.
Meredith Bodgas, former Ladies' Home Journal staffer and current job-seeker (ahem)
She sooo did not get that dress at a vintage store! Why does Kirsten gotta be frontin' like that?
She knows she COULD have found this dress at a vintage store, but that would mean she'd have to mingle with people who are less girly and pretty and a lot a bit off. Plus, she's trying to convince her mom that her trip to LA was filled with vintage store shopping instead of whoring herself out to Gap bigwigs to keep her job. Clearly your accessory-designing gig is in jeopardy when you bring along a plush monkey doll because it matches your dress.
For Kirsten, this summer "was all about JT Leroy." What would happen in a meeting between Kirsten and JT?
She'd tear her "vintage" dress into shreds to show how tragically beautiful she is in an attempt to make JT's next novel revolve around the creative struggles of accessories designers for the Gap. JT will act enthralled with the idea, engage in freaky sex with her where multiple big hats are used in ways the Gap never intended, then he'd throw Kirsten back on the streets of the LES.
No, seriously, what is going on with her bag? And what in the world is "boukie"?
Kirsten is actually part of the underground project "Noah's Ark 2." Boukie, the project's codename, is probably an acronym for something, but Gap designers speak their own language anyway, so you wouldn't understand. Project members seek to take two of each color of bug-eyed stuffed animals (one male and one female) to mate them before the big plush doll apocalypse takes place. The whole "Gap accessory designer" thing is just a day job. Her real work is saving the plush dolls.
Chris McFall, real estate fatcat/pup-on-a-bun intern
She sooo did not get that dress at a vintage store! Why does Kirsten gotta be frontin' like that?
I don't even care about the dress but what is going on with her shoes? When the hell did the Gap sell Jesus sandals?
For Kirsten, this summer "was all about JT Leroy." What would happen in a meeting between Kirsten and JT?
They'd probably paint each other's nails and try on each other's clothing. Then they'd trade bottoming tips and horror stories.
No, seriously, what is going on with her bag? And what in the world is "boukie"?
Boukie? I'm quite certain she meant bukkake — an appropriate descriptor for the explosion of crap falling from her purse. Coincidentally, this "boukie" obsession is also responsible for the naming of the Gap accessories store, as in: "I love my facials. Oh, I love my bukkake." I mean really, it goes with any vintage dress. How could boukie not be fall's must-have accessory?