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· Who knew that Garrison Keillor was such a big bully? Representatives for his Prarie Home Companion empire have gone all cease-and-desist on the MNspeak blog over a parody t-shirt.
· Fun With Plea-Bargaining: The guy who threatened to kidnap Letterman's baby and nanny gets 10 years in jail—but for embezzlement, obstruction, and illegally possessing wildlife, not attempted kidnapping.
· "Rampant cocaine use" and "vague intimations of 'debaucheries'" make local visual effects houses sounds like more fun than a key party in the Hills.
· Dave Chappelle finds returning to stand-up much less terrifying than another season of Chappelle's Show.
· Always about three times less controversial than onetime Siamese twin Ben Affleck, Matt Damon quietly gets engaged to his noncelebrity girlfriend of two years.
· If you liked Stuff On My Cat, then you'll love Cats in Sinks.