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It's nice to see you can lose two jobs in a week and still earn a living in this town. From last night's Publisher's Lunch deal roundup:

Nadine Haobsh's untitled book, in which the Ladies Home Journal associate beauty editor recently fired for her blog, "Jolie in NYC," dishes about the beauty industry, to Carrie Feron at Morrow, in a two-book deal, by Jonathan Pecarsky and Dorian Karchmar at William Morris Agency (NA).

But, sadly, there's none of the usual Cader Code, PubLunch's method for telegraphing dollar amounts. Was it a "nice" deal? A "very nice" deal? Maybe even a "good" or "significant" deal? If you're an assistant at Morrow or WMA and have seen a number, let us know. Anonymity protected, at least until we'd otherwise have to go to jail.

Publishers Lunch []
Jolie in NYC []