Ari Emanuel's Intervention

You know what we need to cleanse our palate of all of this Britney Spears baby nonsense? A tall, cold glass of political opinion poured from the pitcher of one of Hollywood's top agents. That's right, folks, Endeavor partner and Official Agent Dance Mascot Ari Emanuel, the man on whom Jeremy Piven's soon-to-be Emmy-winning character from Entourage is at least partly based, has once again dropped by Arianna Huffington's online cocktail party. Here's the beginning and the end of his post; feel free to extrapolate interpolate the middle:
Time for a Presidential Intervention: "My Name is George, and I Won't Take Responsibility for Anything"
I spent some time this weekend with a friend of mine who has just taken the first big step toward recovery by joining AA, and was struck by his determination to follow that program's 12 steps. [...]
Who knows, maybe this intervention will get him to finally admit that sometimes staying the course will lead you right over the cliff — and save the country from waking up in the gutter with a nasty hangover in 2008.
I can almost hear him now: "My name is George, and I'm a shirk-aholic!"
"Sometimes staying the course will lead you right over the cliff." That's kind of catchy, isn't it? We bet Emanuel is having his assistant slap that on a bumper sticker for his Prius right now.