Kate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker

It's not today's story about supermodel Kate Moss, who the UK's Daily Mirror has photographed hoovering coke, that has us all worked up. She's a fucking model, for chrissakes, and joined at the butt to rocker Pete Doherty, who's addicted to substances we don't even know exist yet. OF COURSE SHE DOES COCAINE. Welcome to Fashion Week 1978!
No, our panties are in a bunch because, while the Mirror's account is truly a fantastic example of creative journalism ("As the white powder induces a sudden rush to her brain, she rocks back in her seat and laughs hysterically. The coke is kicking in."), we cannot find a single scan of these pictures. Those sticky wickets across the pond knew better than to put the images online; they're going to make every sap in Britain buy the actual paper, and we're stuck stateside, waiting for someone to scan the damn thing just so we can see if a supermodel even blows her rails prettier than we do.