Kate Moss Still Used Cocaine Yesterday

You really have to hand it to the Daily Mirror: After yesterday's front-page story starring supermodel Kate Moss — who bravely inhaled multiple lines of Bolivian marching powder — they've managed to stretch the story out to a second day, announcing that they have video footage of the event ('cause, you know, it's fun to hit the rewind button and watch Moss shoot cocaine out of her nose).
The Mirror also has a mind-numbing account of Moss' predictably imbecilic conversations during her drug use (although she did give a shout-out to her two-year-old daughter, Lila), details of boyfriend Pete Doherty's seeping wound, and the model's rage when confronted in New York yesterday about the story. It's so exciting, we're already twitching to see how this bear-shits-in-woods exclusive plays out on Day Three, when Doherty will declare his love by getting down on one knee and gently placing a crackpipe on Moss' trembling ring finger.
Kate's Tirade Over Coke Video [Mirror]
The Day Drugs Wiped Me Out [Mirror]
Disgust at Heroin Wound of Doherty [Mirror]