If We Can't See the Kate Coke Pix, Dammit, Nobody Can!

The good news is that the Daily Mirror isn't mean only to Gawker, forbidding us from posting the Coke Moss pictures. The bad news is that the Mirror appears to be mean to everyone in the colonies.
We know full well that the paper for sale in London yesterday, baring the cover date of September 15, 2005, prominently featured snortin' Moss. But when we rushed to our corner newsstand this morning, to grab yesterday's paper (which we yanks get today) before it sold out, we were quite surprised to find Prince Harry on the cover instead. (The U.S. cover is at above; click on it to enlarge.) It's the same paper, with the same cover date, and yet there's no trace at all of Cokie in Boots.
Well, except for a "Steal Their Style" spread in the "Your Life" section, which provides Us-style shopping tips for emulating stars' tastes. "Kate's the undisputed queen of boho," the blurb says," and chance are her home will reflect the supermodel's Bohemian lifestyle. So, to get that stunning chic Mossy look simply follow our magnificent seven tips..."
Which involve buying housewares like an Ikea bed, some throw pillows, a certain shade of red paint, and some funky drinking glasses. But, oddly, no mirror. Or CD cases.
Kate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker
Kate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker, Cont'd.
Kate Moss and Her Cocaine: A Story Told in Pictures
Kate Moss Still Used Cocaine Yesterday