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New York Times Euphemism Watch (emphasis ours, squeamishness theirs):

Happy Valley, named for a Western saloon gone wrong as well as a region of the female anatomy, resembled part 50 Cent booty video and part "Pee-wee's Playhouse" on amyl nitrate.

A woman who is a veteran of dog-run dating described another potential complication. She became involved in a relationship that began in the dog run and ended in the bedroom, which turned into something of a dog run of its own. "There ends up not being a lot of room on the bed," she said.

Special Bonus Double-Entendre:

When folks absolutely must have their nibs tweaked, Richard Binder is often their go-to guy.

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Good Times At the Growl 'n' Prowl [NYT]
Earlier: 'NYT': The Pub That Dare Not Speak Its Name