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The Wall Street Journal — favorite newspaper of robber barons, those with an irrational fear of photography, and rich people too smart to read the Sun — introduced its heavily publicized, TimeSelectian experiment in catching up with the turn-of-the-20th century last Saturday, a so-called "Weekend Edition." But, you see, we live on the internet, and the Wall Street Journal lives in the offices of the powerful people whose salaries New York Magazine is more generous in guessing/making up. In other words, it ain't online for free and we didn't get it in print. As an emailer wrote in earlier today:

So I tried buying the WSJ weekend edition ( granted, only in brooklyn and the east village, but hey my shoes hurt) this weekend, but no luck... I assume it was because I didn't look the part. Please tell me it was not worth buying?

We could tell you that... but it sounds so lovely! Lists and charticles! Gardening pages! Advertorial! John Bolton's peach mojito recipes!

If any of you did pick it up, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Is the free-market bible selling out by printing advertising on formerly sacred pages? Is that possible? Is the Saturday edition as effective at rolling up and beating your manservant with as the weekday ones? What was James Taranto's favorite CMJ show so far?

New 'Wall Street Journal' Saturday Edition: From Hot Topics to Recipes [E&P]
Related: Wall Street Journal Unveils a Saturday Edition [NYT]