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Breaking! The ice around Jennifer Aniston's delicate heart is finally melting! From's account of Aniston's visit to the Winfrey show:

Recently, Oprah, Jennifer and their close friends spent time getting to know each other at Oprah's house. "What I felt from your girls was such a bond—it was like you were all sisters. I have this guesthouse," Oprah explains, "and everybody has their own bedrooms—but at one in the morning I called to see if Jen was all right, and they were all in the same bed! I go, 'Those are real friends!' That must have been very helpful to you during trying times."

Aniston seems to be opening herself up to all kinds of experiences now that she's not tethered to a man, entering an exhilarating period of exploration that begins with sleepovers and pillow fights at Oprah's place and ends, perhaps, in a sudden predilection for pantsuits. This is truly an exciting time.