The Downlow No More

It's hard to decide what's most comment-worthy in the front-page Metro section piece today on Long Island cruising spots, which we're sure breaks countless gay men's hearts and does little for anyone else.
Is it the blithe references to a host of apparently heretofore comfortable locales — a certain parking lot at Cunningham Park in Queens, a rest stop on the LIE, a beach in East Hampton, a parking lot at Jones Beach — which we're quite sure are no longer so comfortable? (Thanks, Times!)
Or maybe it's the now de-rigueur totally unnecessary explanation for an anonymous quote: "'The vast majority of men who come here are married,' said one longtime parking lot user, who like the other men interviewed there would not tell his name because of concerns ranging from embarrassment to fears of gay-bashing." Oh, you mean men having anonymous sex in a parking lot don't want to be quoted by name? Interesting.
Nah, our favorite would have to be this justification for why straight men stop by for a quickie on their way home to the wife in the suburbs, repeated by one of the guys who sucks them off: "Some say, 'I'm not even gay. I'm just bored.'"
Oh, honey. In that case, we've been bored all our lives.