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Wherein we invite our readers to stroll the lot and kick the tires of humpy E! gossip used car salesman Ted Casablanca's weekly blind item and guess the identity of its hopelessly obscured celebrity victim. This week, Ted stalks the Emmy red carpet in search of yet another 'mo in breeder's clothing. And guess what? He found one! Sit down in the sauna next to One Girlie Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Picture it. The Emmys. The red carpet. Media outlets flown in from all over the world. Flashbulbs blinding you, the common folk. Every journo trying to outscream his neighbor: "Hey, Teri! Over here!" And no place are celebs more mindful of their tongues and eyes (and other bod parts) than this overly recorded spot, take it from me. Ask a TV star what she's wearing, and she'll look at her publicist for permission to answer. The carpet is not a place for people to flap their gums. Well, unless you're Limp Chance." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.