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An e-mail listing today's new WireImage video clip offerings distills the bland sound-bites you'll later hear on Access Hollywood or the local news into something far more interesting. For example, take the list of Jessica Alba's Into the Blue clips, which become an almost stream-of-consciousness representation of her thoughts on the direction of her career:

"Into The Blue" Premiere Jessica Alba: On not liking the paparazzi to shoot her in her bathing suit, on her character not being a deep role, on the challenge of the role being the sharks and the cold water, on her next project being an indie film that she's very excited about because she is not in a suit or chaps, on the water sports she does, on probably being cast in a water role after saying that.

Beautiful, isn't it? It's almost as if we'd plucked Alba's head from her shoulders and pressed it to our ear like a conch shell, but instead of the ocean, we hear her fears that she's going to be half-naked in every movie she does for the next five years.