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It's that magical time when spleens are vented, mysteries unraveled, and your blind item guesses revealed. Sit through another uncomfortable silence with One Girlie Blind Vice before moving on:

Ted sez: "Picture it. The Emmys. The red carpet. Media outlets flown in from all over the world. Flashbulbs blinding you, the common folk. Every journo trying to outscream his neighbor: "Hey, Teri! Over here!" And no place are celebs more mindful of their tongues and eyes (and other bod parts) than this overly recorded spot, take it from me. Ask a TV star what she's wearing, and she'll look at her publicist for permission to answer. The carpet is not a place for people to flap their gums. Well, unless you're Limp Chance." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Raising your voices in a Gay Men's Chorus, your glorious noise celebrated Al Reynolds, recently betrothed man-slave to Star "Bridezilla" Jones. What inevitably comes with your near-unanimity is the creative wilding of Ted Casablanca's ability to make his items sufficiently resistant to your powers of deduction. But what if you're wrong? We are, after all, human and fallible, and if you failed to decode Ted's blind item, wouldn't you feel awful about your taunts? No? Nevermind, carry on.

You say: Straggling far, far behind Mr. Reynolds-Jones were William H. Macy (how dare you!), Stuart Townsend, Stedman Nolastname-Winfrey, Matthew Broderick, and Chad Lowe. We have no idea how many people from this list actually attended the Emmys. No matter, this was the Big Gay Al show.

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Jay Leno.

Thanks to everyone for playing!