Gawker's Week in Review: Kate Moss Sings 'Casey Jones'

• Kate Moss continues her downward spiral after being outed as a very pretty cokewhore. We'll always let you bang a couple lines off of our tummies, Katie darling.
• We lost our minds a bit more than usual and opened up a fancypants comments club. Shockingly, not everyone loves it.
• Times scribe Alessandra Stanley has had some accuracy problems before. But now, things seem to be getting worse much, much worse.
• The Observer suggested Daily News gossipite Lloyd Grove was on his way out, but the man issued a firm, but loving denial.
• A chunk of the Times newsroom dies a bloody death; editor Keller responds with his usual, war-torn rhetoric.
• The Wall Street Journal gave birth to a big weekend baby, which may or may not have a developmental disability.
• Speaking of the developmentally disabled, the TimesSelect premium content was one giant bumblefuck at first. We should note, however, that a kindly product manager took pity on us — without us asking — and finally made ours work. Turns out we had some weird, funkly problem, but his general advice is: Log out then log back in. We hear that really fixes things.