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There's all kinds of goodies in the Defamer tip box: Ben & Jerry's coupons, Peruvian currency, little notes that say 'Next time, don't screw up my order.' But once in a while, there's something truly special, like this report of a MiramaxClassic staff reunion. Attended by Harvey Weinstein himself:

[Thursday] night I was at a Miramax reunion party at Barney's Beanery of all places. Everyone from exiled executives now running rival studios to bitter ex-assistants to the mailroom guy to even the security guard were there. Even Harvey himself showed up.

I have so many questions I'm about to vomit. What was the tone?! I'm imagining something akin to the French Quarter pub that stayed open while Katrina wailed outside. Did the bitter assistants organize a Stonewall-esque uprising against the man who once pelted full Diet Coke cans at their heads? ("Out of the closets and into the streets! And into rival-studios and onto their phones!") I want full reports from all in attendance (and one of those Harvey masks, please).