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Another former MiramaxClassic employee shares further heartstring-tugging details about their impromptu "Drink-the-Kool-Aid" farewell party Thursday night at Barney's Beanery:

The reunion/get-together idea started out as something of a lark amongst a small group of former Miramax employees who sent out an Evite over the internet. No one could have expected that the Evite would circulate around town so quickly and that it would rally a turnout of nearly 300 while also motivating the New York Miramax office to pull together a simultaneous party. As Harvey and Bob leave Miramax at the end of this week, the Alumni Reunion idea was just a great excuse to get everyone together to relive some of the best parts the Miramax experience. The Miramax that we know will always be about the people, the parties and the shared experience of working in a crazy, chaotic environment with the most talented, visionary and hard-working people in Hollywood.

So that's it? What about Harvey drunkenly sharing some Gwyneth-pooping-her-pants-on-the-Shakespeare in Love-set stories? Or Bob emerging from the little girls' room dressed only in Catherine Zeta-Jones' costume from the Chicago finale?! C'mon people, work with me here!