Adam Moss Gives Panhandler Lots of Cash

We have no idea if this emailer is telling the truth, but precedent in this matter gives us no reason to doubt his tale:
The bearded individual on the cover of New York Magazine's salary issue (the one next to Gawker's lovely editor) is Chris, the panhandler outside my place of employ. My co-worker Dan chatted him up about being a cover model, and Chris swears that he has NO IDEA how NYM calculated his income at $24K (unlike most New Yorkers, he promises he makes much less). Now, ordinarily I'd question a panhandler's ability to keep track of money, but I think the bum is a much more reliable source in this case.
We feel your pain, Chris. Join us here on the line for corrections, won't you? But get comfortable: At the current rate of one a week, we expect it'll be a while.
How Is This Lie Different From All Other Lies
'New York' Salary Issue, Courtesy of Google?