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Flight attendants have their adorable little aprons in a bunch over the Jodie Foster how-did-I-lose-my-possibly-imaginary-daughter- in-such-a-confined-space movie Flightplan because (HERE COMES A SPOILER, TURN AWAY IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH) one of the fictional attendants turns out to be a bad guy. Unacceptable in these times of tense air travel!, say the aggrieved retrievers of thin blankets and tiny pillows, and boycotts ensue:

"With security concerns what they are, it is not a good time to release a film with a terrorist in the position of flight attendant," said Corey Caldwell, a spokeswoman for the Assn. of Flight Attendants. "There has to be a layer of trust between the passengers and the crew, to ensure good communication during times of emergency, and a film like this undermines that trust." [...]

According to a statement, the groups were also troubled by the depiction of the non-villianous flight attendants, who were "rude, unhelpful and uncaring."

Early in the film, flight attendants are seen rolling their eyes over a family with boisterous children, with one telling another something like: "It's OK to hate the passengers."

The fragile bond between jittery passengers and the angels of the air has been forever destroyed! Know that because of Flightplan, the next time that you order a vodka tonic without the correct change, you won't be able to shake the feeling that the deceptively cheery lady behind the beverage cart is almost certainly planning on killing you and everyone aboard that pressurized tube of lies and mistrust.