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Flightplan's Jodie Foster took some time off from dodging angry flight attendant picketers trying to douse her in flat soda and salted peanuts to sit down with Entertainment Weekly, to whom she revealed an unexpected perk of being an actress of a certain age in Hollywood:

Foster chalks up her own interest in heroic maternal roles to her age and motherhood (she has two sons, Charlie, 7, and Kit, almost 4). At 42, she tells EW, ''You don't have to worry about being the ingenue or being cast as Tom Cruise's girlfriend ever again.''

Of course, Foster didn't specify if she meant being cast as the Katie Holmes model of Tom Cruise girlfriend or the one-off, Renee Zellweger/Jerry Maguire kind, but we think we know what she means. A couple of missed Botox treatments might help save the next desperate actress looking for a little career boost from a cruel, Holmesian fate.