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While we were drunkenly singing Bruce Springsteen in a Chelsea apartment last night, at least someone in the family was doing his job. We speak, of course, of jocky little brother Deadspin, who, along with hordes of other heterosexuals, mobbed the sports bar inexplicably plopped in the middle of our neighborhood to attend the first-ever book signing for ESPN columnist Bill Simmons's first-ever book, Now I Can Die in Peace.

As only lil Deadsie can, he managed to, yes, meet Simmons and get his book signed, but also to find geek-chic litterateur Chuck Klosterman, some dude in doctor's garb, and the Incredible Hulk. We wouldn't exactly believe it either, but there's photographic proof. Really. Go see.

Deadspin Party Crash: Bill Simmons's NYC Book Signing [Deadspin]