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It's time again for you to pull the cheap rubber mask off the head of Ted Casablanca's blind item villain and reveal his true identity. He would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids! But first, reunite with One Fake-Ass Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "All across America, celeb watchers are wishin' and hopin' that Fudgy Poof and Diandra Dope are an item. Oh, how cute they would be! Folks can hardly talk 'bout these two without damned exclamation marks!!! He's so real—how has he remained unattached for so many years? And she's so...well, she's Diandra, and that's good enough for most. True, I'm starting to feel like all the world's an all-boys theater camp in the Catskills and I'm the one hiding in the bushes with the binoculars. Yep, here we go again." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Once we got over crippling giggles brought on by the thought that Fudgy Poof sounds like Count Chocula's gay brother, we tabulated your guesses and discovered that Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston walk away with matching tiaras this week. Maybe everyone was too hasty in giving the "couple" cute one-word combined monikers like Vaughnnifer and Vaughnniston. Come to think of it, he did have amazing chemistry with Jon Favreau...and Owen Wilson...and Brad Pitt. Naaaaah! Not our Vince!

You say: Some usual suspects and some newcomers in the also-ran slot: Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst, Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bunchen, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, Jay-Z and Beyonce.

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers, Charles Nelson Reilly and Jo Anne Worley (tie)

As always. thanks to everyone for playing!