The MTA Wants to Make Your Mornings Even Worse

Those new subway rules — you know, the ones adding fines for open containers, and forbidding you to spread out over more than one seat, and banning moving between cars — were, after being tabled TK ago*, passed by the MTA board yesterday. So that means, among other things, no morning java on the train.
"If you're walking around with a steaming hot coffee on the 5 or the 4 train at 8:30 a.m., I would hope to hell the cop would give you a summons because you have no right to do that. It's not right and it's not courteous to your fellow passengers," said MTA Chairman Peter Kalikow.
On the other hand, punching Kalikow in his smug mouth because he's getting all uppity before you've had any caffeine — we're pretty sure that's very courteous to your fellow passengers.
* "TK ago" = "about three months ago." Duh.