Martha Menaced By Pretty Anorexics

According to Broadcasting & Cable, Tyra Banks has grabbed a fistful of Martha Stewart's blonde hair and told the ex-con lifestyle empress to get her gang of ass-kissing honkies off her Wednesday night turf. (Well, not in so many words.) Says B&C:
In an attempt to boost the flagging fortunes of two new shows, NBC has flipped the Wednesday timeslots for The Apprentice: Martha Stewart and E-Ring for the immediate future, beginning this Wednesday, Oct. 5.
The move is a strategy NBC hopes will help resuscitate both new shows, neither of which are off to strong starts.
NBC found that much of its Martha audience was being poached by UPN's America's Top Model, and is hoping the 9 p.m. slot, which has no other reality competition, will help rescue the second member of the Apprentice franchise.
As if poor NBC didn't already have enough to worry about with the other big networks and their fancy "hit shows," it now has to deal with the embarrassment of having its ass kicked by a bunch of sandwich-deficient mannequins from UPN. If you tune in to next week's Apprentice: Martha and look really closely, we think you'll be able to see the little translucent peacock in the corner of your TV screen crying.