Inspired by our lovely commenters, we did a little "research" into the dark underbelly of Metropolitan Diary, the Overheard In New York for the leisure class. What we found may shock you:

October 3, 2005: Without missing a beat, he replied matter-of-factly, "I wondered what that was."
• June 9, 2003: Without missing a beat, he said smoothly and with a perfectly straight face: "Jump."
• November 18, 2002: Without missing a beat, the man said, "New Jersey and California."
• May 8, 1996: Without missing a beat, my husband, Gerald, yelled out, "$100,000."
• August 2, 1989: Clerk (not skipping a beat): Honey, in New York they're a dime a dozen.
• December 24, 1986: Without missing a beat he said, ''Getting audited, eh?'' I nodded. ''You're the third person this morning,'' he added cheerfully.
• September 11, 1985: Self-assured customer (continuing on her way, not missing a beat): ''That's the chic look, you know. The Japanese influence.'

Total beats unmissed, 1985-2003: 48

Metropolitan Diary [NYT]