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NBC's Kevin Reilly realizes that when you're in charge of a fourth-place network, you've got to shake things up a bit—think outside of the box, as it were—to reverse the disastrous descent into the dark Nielsen places occupied by the WB and UPN. Today, Reilly heralded the launch of the NBC Entertainment Idea Box, a web-based system through which his employees can transmit their craziest, paradigm-shifting thoughts to the appropriate decision makers—for awards and cash prizes! The e-mail follows:

I am excited to announce the launch of a new website and award program!

The NBC Entertainment Idea Box is a website we developed in an effort to give you a platform to express your out-of-the-box ideas and creativity. We know you have great ideas and we hope you use this website as a creative outlet.

You might be asking, "What's in it for me?". Aside from the possibility of finding that idea that nobody has thought of, inspiring quantum creative thinking across the company, we do want an award program that recognizes these innovative ideas. To this end, we have The "Great Idea" Award. Need to get your ideas heard?

NBC Entertainment Idea Box
The Entertainment Idea Box website facilitates getting your amazing idea to the right people. When you log in, you'll see the different areas where you can submit your idea:

Current Programs*
Program Development*
Marketing & Promotion*
Human Resources
General Suggestions, Comments & Concerns
Press & Publicity*
NBC Universal Television Studio*

Just click on the area you have an idea for and include the requested information. In those areas where you see an (*) you'll have the option to enter your idea for The "Great Idea" Award. You can also submit an idea directly to The "Great Idea" Award by clicking on The "Great Idea" Award button.

The "Great Idea" Award

The "Great Idea" Award was created in order to recognize individuals who initiate a creative and/or innovative idea that has a positive impact to programming performance. Employees that have ideas from an imaginative perspective and are truly inventive will be presented with The "Great Idea" Award.

Our Sr. Management committee will select a winner (or winners) once a quarter and will present a $500 cash award and a personalized memento to the winner(s) during our Network Entertainment Monthly Meeting.

Do you have an idea for a new show? A storyline suggestion for one of our current shows? Or maybe a brilliant idea for marketing or press? Now is the time to go directly to the NBC Entertainment Idea Box and set your mind free...

I look forward to hearing from you.

Showrunners up and down NBC's schedule are surely embracing the ease with which even more people from the network can offer helpful suggestions to improve their series. Perhaps once the system is a little more refined, employees will be able to insert their ideas directly into scripts, streamlining the collaborative creative process even further. Think Joey Tribbiani needs a talking dog or a robot butler with a lisp? Give him one yourself!

Amazing as it sounds, however, the program might be tragically short-lived; as a couple of people who forwarded us the e-mail noted, how many times can Reilly hear the Great Idea of "Fire yourself" before he retreats back inside the box?