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Just because we feel like picking on Rush and Molloy a little more before we call it day, here's another demonstration, courtesy of an emailer, of their impressive fact-checking skills:

Joanna Molloy was trying to get a hold of someone at Fox News for a comment about the Radar story and to find out if indeed Lauren Green was gay?
Molloy called a Fox freelancer and also left a message on a Fox sales assistant's voice mail. Here is a transcript of the message Molloy left:

"Hi this is Joanna Molloy at the New York Daily News.... 212-[redacted]....... [email redacted]. ..... I've been (uh, uh) trying to get (uh) comment (uh) from (uh, uh) Irene Rigontti (sic) all day regarding the Condoleezza Rice interview with (audible flipping thru papers) Cohen (sic) last name (long inhale) on September 27. It's posted on Radar online dot com (um) it's posted on Federal News Service in which he um asks her *pause* to meet uh Lauren Green because she is quote single and beautiful. (Um) so I need a comment on that. Thanks."

By the way the Fox spokesperson is Irena Briganti NOT Irene Rigontti, and it was James Rosen not Cohen.

Yeah, others found that non-denial denial a little odd too.

From The True Spokesperson... [TVNewser]