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So maybe some of you thought Village Voice gossipista Michael Musto's blind items were a bit too easy, but that was just an amuse bouche. Today's Page Six brings the delicious main course:

• Which TV comic with a dismal record dating hot chicks tried to ingratiate himself with a "typical, off-the-truck L.A. model/actress" by buying her a month's worth of "pole dancing" classes? The strategy backfired when the cheapo wouldn't pay for her second set of lessons.

• Which Italian fashion designer has a hard time keeping his p.r. directors because he has a bad habit of sleeping with them? Let's hope his gorgeous model girlfriend doesn't catch on.

• Which surgically-enhanced starlet ate Ex-Lax every day on the set of her recently-canceled TV show in a desperate bid to stay svelte?

You simply must know the routine: Send us your guesses (or post them in comments), and we'll run the innocently libelous fun at the end of the day — if only because we're determined to save our starlets from dangerous dehydration.

Just Asking [Page Six]