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Prepare to have the blind item scales fall away from your gossip-loving eyes. Before moving on to your answers, smell the daisies of One Here-We-Go-Again Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Ya think Toothy Tile is the only dude out there doing high jumps over the sexuality fence? Uh-uh. Chump Dump is up to his girlie hairdo in politically motivated mushy goings-on. See, C.D. had a red-hot career at one time. Making the real girlies go gaga over his supposedly boyish charm (little did the screaming fans know it was their older bros at home whom Chump would have preferred see squealing with wide-eyed delight). Now he's notsohotso." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Can we say something about Ted dubbing this week's victim "Chump Dump"? Is he trying to tell us something about the guy's enjoyment of Cleveland Steamers? Just sayin'. As for the guesses, we'd say that you were pretty much stumped. TC didn't give you a lot to work with, but we had to go through almost two dozen responses before we got a seconded vote. In the end, though, a very tight race was won by Hayden Christensen. Even all of that Darth Vader armor couldn't butch the guy up enough to deflect your speculative gaydar.

You also say: Close runners-up were Ricky Martin and Orlando Bloom. Nice to see that Bloom, once your favorite spindly, blind item whipping boy, hasn't been forgotten. We're sure he appreciates your ongoing fandom.

You also say: Receiving multiple guesses (today the bar was very, very low): Keanu Reeves, Verne Troyer (!), Matthew McConaughey, Mark Wahlberg, Elijah Wood, and Ben Affleck

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: An unprecedented (we think) three-way tie: Scott Baio. David Spade, and Baby Cruise. Harsh, dude.

Thanks to everyone for playing!