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Passenger 57 star Wesley Snipes can breathe easier today, knowing that the system really does work—especially if one's accuser likes to hit the pipe:

A paternity lawsuit against Wesley Snipes was dismissed after a DNA test determined that another man was the father.

The woman, who didn't attend the brief proceeding, alleged she had sex with Snipes in a Chicago crackhouse and that he was the father of her 3-year-old son. [...]

Outside the court after the lawsuit was dismissed, the 43-year-old star of the "Blade" film trilogy said: "The good Lord says `Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' These are the tenets I live by."

Snipes said in a federal civil rights lawsuit, filed last year, that he never met the woman, and alleged she was a "mentally ill former crack addict" who had made wild claims involving celebrities such as Prince, Oprah Winfrey and former President Clinton.

Snipes' accuser certainly sounds a little unbalanced, but this kind of expansive insanity should be celebrated, not derided. A gathering of Prince, Oprah, Snipes, and Clinton would be the "We Are The World" of crackhouse orgies.