Dov Charney, Always Bad for the Jews

We are not, as you might imagine, theologians, and thus we've never engaged in the textual analysis (or, quite likely, Google searching) necessary to answer a riddle of Jewish law that's always had us confused: When we repent for our sins tomorrow, does that repentance cover sins committed specifically in 5765 (in which case sins rendered since Rosh Hashanah, last week, will sit unrepented-for until next year), or does it cover sins since last Yom Kippur?
We raise this Talmudic concern now only to wonder: Will Dov Charney be immediately absolved for the ironically mocking faux-Yiddishkeit minstrelsy that currently dominates the Houston Street store? Because if he doesn't have to hang onto blame for this shonda for at least a few weeks, he's getting off way too easy.
More pix — courtesy of reader Dave — after the jump.