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Broadcasting & Cable confirms WOW Report's story about Fox's hasty execution of The Simple Life; predictably, the network's statement contains no reference to Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie's mutual desire to kick each other in the ladyparts. From B&C:

"At Fox, we have a unique mid-season situation. In January we have to accommodate two and one half hours of new programming with 24 and American Idol. We also have completed episodes of both scripted and unscripted series in the wings. We're enjoying solid performances by our returning shows and we've also already ordered full seasons of Prison Break, Bones and The War At Home. Collectively, we did not see a place for The Simple Life on our schedule this season."

Indeed, networks hate nothing more than trying to make room for successful, returning franchises starring free publicity machines in their guaranteed hit-packed midseason schedules, so we should take every word in the above release at face value. Oopsies! Sorry, gals, Fox forgot to leave room for your show!