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This tip arrived in our "office" late yesterday

News tip: We've been told that publisher Steve Weinstein has been let go from the NY Press.

Steve, who was previously editor of the NY Blade, was named the new publisher of the NY Press in August, about the same time that Harry Siegel became the new editor of the Press.

Truth is, we're shocked (well, assuming the tip is true). But it's not that we're surprised a publisher was fired from the Press. We're just surprised anyone ever takes the job in the first place.

At least they'll always have perennial, loony mayoral candidate Christopher X. Brodeur — whose latest anti-Press missive is after the jump.

Earlier: New York Press

From: CX Brodeur
To: [various Pressies, including new EIC Harry Siegel]
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:10 AM
Subject: Harry Gets A Wallet-Chain!


Well... he's movin' on up...

[pause for contemplation]


I'll come over to your place for drinks and I will bring some DVDs and CDs that HAVEN'T been raved about in Spin yet and your world will open up.
I'll take you to a few events in NYC that are creative and smart.

In short, I'll teach you kids about CULTURE so you don't think Franz Ferdinand is the hot new band!

[Harry snorts, as he prepares a feature on this exciting new band "the Red Hot Chili Peppers"!]

No wonder you guys have such a hard time getting laid.