Singularly Terrifying Press Release of the Week
We can't remember the last time something in our inbox frightened us so:
Contact: Nikki Klarberg/Zlata Faerman
Len Leeds, Lawyer extraordinaire, launches "From Lawsuits... to Love Songs" Album
Shiver. (And we don't mean because of the weird capitalization.)
We're don't think there is a scarier combination of English words than "singing lawyer." And we're pretty sure we'd say that even if most of the bar mitzvah bands in North Jersey didn't have standing orders to keep our lawyer-father away from the mic.
The full release is after the jump. Give it a read, because, as his publicists say, "Whether you know him as counsel or crooner, Len proves beyond a reasonable doubt that when it comes to delivering a total and truly passionate performance, he is guilty as charged."
Shiver, again.
Contact: Nikki Klarberg/Zlata Faerman
Len Leeds, Lawyer extraordinaire, launches "From Lawsuits... to Love Songs" Album
Len Leeds is one of the most highly-regarded and successful employment attorneys in the New York metropolitan area. A graduate of Hofstra University and New York University Law Schools, Leeds has spent his career passionately defending the dreams of others. Founder and senior partner at Leeds Morelli & Brown, Len specializes in cases involving workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, and unfair dismissals.
In the past three years alone, Len and his firm have handled more than 2,000 such cases, including the $1.5 million award for a Nassau County corrections officer who was harassed by coworkers and supervisors because he is homosexual. In short, he protects the rights of everyday men and women who are pursuing the American dream.
Len has a dream of his own. "I love being in front of the jury," he remarks. "I love the process, building the tension to the point where I rip my jacket off - figuratively, of course! But I just needed something else... another way to express myself." Leeds wanted a way to bring the same message of compassion he conveys in the courtroom to a wider audience.
So meet Len Leeds, the singer. With the same conviction that has won Len many a civil rights case, he is lending his warmth and enthusiasm to a new pursuit and proving that he is as comfortable on the stage or in the studio as he is addressing a jury.
Close your eyes and listen to Len wrap his impressive voice around classic standards, lending them a whole new personality. Observe how his vocal instrument effortlessly mingles with — but is never overpowered by - the lush orchestrations. And witness (no pun intended) how Len's elocutionary training, so vital to his success in the courtroom gives him a special appreciation for a lyric.
Len Leeds makes the move from "Lawsuits to Love Songs" pursuing his life long dream of singing and entertaining. Friends and colleagues of Leeds call him driven, witty, and talented with an amazing voice. No one is questioning whether this expressive and energetic individual will see his name in lights - the jury's in!
Indeed, Len deserves a hearing. Whether you know him as counsel or crooner, Len proves beyond a reasonable doubt that when it comes to delivering a total and truly passionate performance, he is guilty as charged.