Joan Rivers Is Not A Racist, You Son Of A Bitch

The LAT notes a dust-up between red carpet scourge Joan Rivers and a writer on a BBC radio show yesterday, in which Rivers became so angry over her perception that she'd been labeled a racist that the force of her ensuing rage threatened to undo thousands of dollars in delicate plastic surgery:
Rivers, who begins a tour of England on Friday, was a guest on BBC Radio 4's "Midweek" program with Darcus Howe, a Trinidad-born writer and black activist, and two other guests, including author Jackie Collins. Howe is the subject of a new movie, "Son of Mine," about his relationship with his son, who spent half his youth in Trinidad with his white mother. [...]
After a back-and-forth over the nature of hatred, and a discussion of the film about Howe, the discussion turned angry when Howe tweaked Rivers, referring to "Caribbean children, since black offends Joan."
Rivers exploded.
"How dare you say that! You know nothing about me," Rivers said.
Howe revised his comment to say, "the use of the term black offends you."
"Where the hell are you coming from? You have got such a chip on your shoulder," Rivers said. "Don't you dare call me a racist! I want an apology from you."
Why are you wasting your time reading this partial transcript when you could be listening to the melee here? The fight really kicks in at about the twenty-three minute mark. You might want to turn down your speakers, lest one of your coworkers think that Rivers is loose in your office on a murderous rampage.