What's Eating Ari Emanuel? Weekend Edition

We are embarrassed by Endeavor superagent Ari Emanuel's recent commitment to blogging. While we require an A-list death (or a particularly compelling paparazzi photograph of Britney Spears looking heavier than we might like) to work on the weekend, it takes little more than a burning desire to share a frustration to lure Emanuel to the keyboard on a Saturday:
I was in the car Saturday morning with two of my kids, listening to a jazz program on NPR. There was a jazz pianist being interviewed, discussing the integrity of the music, trying to follow the integrity of the jazz masters. And Noah sits up and asks me, “Daddy, what does integrity mean?”
Now, integrity is a concept that’s easier to explain by using examples – especially of our nation’s leaders. But what are you supposed to say when George Bush is sitting in the Oval Office?
Road trips with Daddy Emanuel sound like a hoot, don't they? Most kids in Hollywood probably get sedated with a Gameboy or Spongebob DVD while quietly whirring along in the backseat of a Prius. We can picture one of Ari's blond tykes rolling his eyes and muttering an exasperated, "C'mon, Dad, not the clumsy NPR jazz segue into an anti-Bush rant aaagaaaain."