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While we're not too surprised at the lineup of actors supposedly eager to dirty up their pretty-boy images by portraying the ravages of addiction in the Million Little Pieces adaptation, one of the names interested in playing a rehab love interest (can't wait for the first "meet cute" during a violent vomiting fit) really jumps out. Page Six runs down the rumored casting list:

THE movie adaptation of James Frey's harrowing rehab memoir, "A Million Little Pieces," is not going well. We're told director Laurence Dunmore left the project in frustration a few months ago, and Frey himself is steamed that his script has been revised so many times by writer Kip Williams that it no longer resembles his acclaimed book. Even so, Jake Gyllenhaal, Orlando Bloom, Josh Hartnett and Ryan Gosling have all expressed interest in playing Frey in the film, while Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson, Emmy Rossum and Rachel McAdams are said to be itching to portray Lily, the troubled girl whom Frey falls for in rehab. Frey — who will appear on "Oprah" tomorrow to plug his book — declined comment.

Maybe the producers should go ahead and cross Lohan off the list and avoid the pain of dealing with her publicity team. Rewriting the movie as the harrowing tale of how two people fell in love during an overnight hospital stay for exhaustion is a creative compromise that they probably don't want to make.